He don’t even know how to write a function.

Michael Corrieri
1 min readApr 19, 2021


If you asked me a year ago, I would laugh at the idea of enrolling in a software engineering bootcamp. Spend lots of money to have no free time and be stressed? No thanks. However, things always seem to take weird unexpected turns and now here I am.

Even after discussing the process with friends who have completed a bootcamp (even the exact one I am completing now), I have been caught off guard with how fast-paced and jam-packed this thing is. I was warned, but of course I believed I was different. Coding would probably come naturally to me, look out Elon Musks, Mikey C is coming to town.

After my first 3 days I had to ask my roommates (both of which are pretty intelligent developers) how to write a function. Mind you, in the program we were already covering the importance of callback functions (my instructor Eric loves callbacks). Needless to say I felt pretty behind… and stupid.

It is now my 6th week in the program and I find that I am using words which I never knew existed a couple months ago. It seems that I have somehow learned at least a little about vanilla JS and React.

I think it’s important to ground ourselves. And self-deprecation is my go to. Every time I get cocky or talk trash to my roommates about how much I now know, they always remind me…you don’t even know how to write a function



Michael Corrieri

Software Engineering student at Flatiron School. Environmental & Occupational Health Sciences MPH. Based in Brooklyn, NY